During an interactive dialogue at the UN Human Rights Council on torture, on 7 March 2011The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRIs), chaired by the National Human Rights Institution since 2009, called, during an interactive dialogue on the report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture, for strengthening the role of National Human Rights Institutions. This interactive dialogue was organized within the framework of the 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council, on March 2011, in Geneva.
The Network indicated that NHRIs’ mandates traditionally tend to have rather broad mandates encompassing a range of human rights issues, including torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment prevention.
In Africa, the Network stated, NHRIs play an important role at national level in promoting the ratification of the OPCAT and contribute to reflection and consultation on various options for National Prevention Mechanisms.
The Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), which considers NHRIs as key national actors in torture prevention and has therefore interacted and engaged on a number of initiatives and projects, entered into a partnership convention with NANHRI on November 5, 2010 for the period 2011-2013.
This partnership aims to strengthen the role of African NHRIs in preventing torture in Africa. It aims mainly to:
- Strengthen the capacity of African NHRIs to enable them to be more active in preventing torture, including implementation of OPCAT and Robben Island Guidelines;
- Apply the publication: "Prevention of Torture: Operational Guide for NHRIs";
- Provide skills and knowledge to support national institutions to plan and undertake concrete activities for the prevention of torture in their countries, particularly through monitoring places of detention;
- Provide a platform to exchange experiences and best practices between African NHRIs for concrete action to prevent torture;
- Adopt a public statement on NHRIs and the prevention of torture.
The conclusion of the mentioned convention clearly demonstrates NANHRI’s recognition of the fact that independent and effective NHRIs are important instruments in the prohibition and prevention of torture.
The participants of the interactive dialogue stressed the importance to prevent impunity and provide protection for the victims of torture. They called for the ratification of the OPCAT and the implementation of the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on Torture, prevention of human rights violations, including torture, etc.
The NANHRI provides support to NHRIs in Africa and strengthens their capacities and visibility to enable them to provide effective protection, monitoring, promotion and awareness on human rights. It is firmly committed to increasingly fight against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in Africa, to promote the role of African NHRIs in the prevention of torture, to strengthen their commitments on issues of torture and to strengthen the capacities of their staff for this purpose. It has been chaired by the national Human Rights Council (Advisory Council on Human Rights) since 2009.