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CNDH and Marrakech-Safi region

Strengthening capacity of territorial collectivities in human rights and public freedoms, a promising partnership between the CNDH and the Marrakech-Safi region

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13th International Conference of the GANHRI

NHRIs have a dual challenge to overcome, defend their margin of freedom and other human rights defenders freedom of action

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Clustered dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation...

CNDH statement on transitional justice before the Human Right Council

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Dialogue with the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

CNDH statement on enforced disappearances before the Human Rights Council

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Southern Perspectives on Migration

CNDH participates in the International Migration Conference in Johannesburg

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National Redress Mechanism for Children Victims of Human Rights Violations

CNDH and Ministry of Youth& Sports put complaint boxes at disposal of children at summer camps

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Northern African TOT on African Human Rights Mechanisms

Northern African TOT on African Human Rights Mechanisms: Starting point for partnership between various African stakeholders

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Tribute to late Odette Du Puigaudeau

Odette Du Puigaudeau, a Breton in love with the desert

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