Special accreditation commission launches official website for 2015 election observation

The Special Commission for the Accreditation of Election Observers launches today Monday, July 13, 2015 its official website for the 2015 election observation: www.observation-elections2015.ma.
The commission’s website gives information about the special accreditation commission, the accreditation procedure and criteria for accreditation, independent and impartial election observation, the national legislation and international standards governing election observation, etc.
Organizations that can observe elections under Law # 30-11 on the terms and conditions of independent and impartial election observation can download the documents required for their accreditation application (application form, the observation charter, the list of proposed observers), and learn about the deadlines and procedures to submit applications.
Chaired by CNDH Chairman, the Special Commission for the Accreditation of Election Observers convened its first meeting on Monday, June 8, 2015 at CNDH headquarters in Rabat to prepare for the independent and impartial observation of the 2015 upcoming elections. The commission called for accreditation applications to observe the upcoming elections and set the 30th of July 2015 as deadline to receive applications. The Commission will decide on accreditation applications and notify its decision to the applying organization, no later than August 10, 2015.
Under Law # 30-11, a special commission for the accreditation of election observers is established within the National Human Rights Council (CNDH). The commission is mandated to receive, review and decide on the accreditation applications. It issues special cards and badges to accredited organizations for their observers and drafts the observation charter that includes the principles and fundamental rules that every accredited observer must respect.
Chaired by CNDH Chairman, or someone else acting on his behalf, the Special Commission for the Accreditation of Election Observers include four members representing the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Ministry of Communication, a representative of the Délégation interministérielle aux droits de l’Homme (inter-ministerial department for human rights), a representative of the National Authority for Integrity and Prevention and Fight against Corruption and five representatives of civil society associations acting as members of the National Human Rights Council.
The 2015 election observation will concern the elections of the Councils of the regions and the municipalities, due on the 4th of September 2015, the elections of the prefectural and provincial councils, due on the 17th of September 2015, and the elections of the House of Councillors, due on the 2nd of October 2015.