Geneva: CNDH recommends the adoption of public policies dedicated to older persons

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) actions for the promotion of the rights of older persons in Morocco were highlighted in its declaration during the Group Dialogue with the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons on 12 September 2017 in Geneva. Morocco is a country where the older persons currently represent 10.6% of the total population and are expected to reach more than 16% by 2032.
The CNDH recalled the investigation mission updated in 2017, to establish a diagnosis of 48 social centers for the older persons. This mission is the object of a thematic report (undergoing validation) that highlights different achievements and challenges and proposes recommendations to protect and promote the rights of older persons.
The work carried out by the CNDH revealed unequal distribution of social centers on the national territory and inadequate living conditions in several cases: insufficient care and food, unsuitable accommodation, unskilled and insufficient staff and family abandonment.
Ultimately, the CNDH welcomed the efforts of the Government, particularly the legislative reform of the system of social protection institutions (EPS), the support of associations working for older persons and the qualification of centers hosting older persons without family support. The Council recommended the adoption of a specific public policy which responds to the dysfunctions of this sector.