CNDH signs agreement with the confederation of businesses to promote human rights in Moroccan companies

The National Human Rights Council (CNDH) and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (known by its French acronym CGEM) signed, on 18 May in Casablanca, an agreement to promote human right in Moroccan companies.
“This agreement is crucial for us. It will help us promote and work better on business and human rights in Morocco” said Driss El Yazami in a press statement, at the end of the signing ceremony.
This agreement encourages Moroccan companies to employ people with disabilities and provide reasonable accommodation at the workplace, said Ms. Miriem Bensalah Chaqroun, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises.

The agreement sets main priorities: promoting the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights at the workplace, promoting and improving the employment and employability of people with disabilities, and promoting good corporate practices in ensuring equality between men and women at the workplace.
The agreement also includes provisions on child labor. These provisions aim at raising awareness of CEOs and company leaders about the issue of child labor in their supply chains.
On the sidelines of the signing ceremony, the two partners held a workshop on the employment and employability of persons with disabilities. Representatives of private and public institutions, businesses, civil society associations and trade unions took part at the workshop. The participants exchanged on the first conclusions and recommendations of a study commissioned by the CNDH on the employment and employability of persons with disabilities. The study will be released soon.