Al Karam association benefits from sales income of the book Un si long chemin, Paroles de réfugiés au Maroc “One long way: refugees’ words in Morocco”

The income from sales of the book Un si long chemin, Paroles de réfugiées au Maroc “One long way: refugees’ words in Morocco” was awarded to Al Karam association. The ceremony took place on 11 May 2017 at the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) headquarter in Rabat, Morocco. 50 000 MAD was the income of 10 months that was granted to Mrs. Khadija Mkika, president of the association Al Karam which works with refugees.
Speaking at this occasion, Mr. Driss El Yazami, President of the CNDH, recalled that “as soon as the book was published, it was agreed that the income from sales would be granted to an association working with refugees”. He added that “this book sheds the light on the history of 30 refugees in Morocco from 16 countries. It aims to raise awareness of Moroccan readers on the situation of refugees, fight against stereotypes, stigmatization and prejudices against this population.”
Jean Paul Cavaliéri, the representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Morocco, said that “this book reported 30 stories of refugees having succeeded in rebuilding and integrating themselves in society. It praised the Moroccan society that trusted them and helped them to rebuild, integrate and move forward”. Nowadays, the challenge of a Morocco that host 5000 refugees is “living together”.
Jalil Bennani, author of the book, and Abdelkader Retnani, editor in chief of La Croisée des Chemins (Moroccan publishing house) participated in this ceremony.
Since its creation in 1997, the association Al Karam has been working for the protection of children in distressing situations and the promotion of their rights as enshrined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified by Morocco in 1993. Recently, the association opened a help center with a nursery and non-formal education classes for the children of migrants.