UPR: CNDH reaffirms its opposition to the towards death penalty

On the occasion of the interactive dialogue under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Morocco, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) reaffirmed its position against the death penalty and recalled the recommendation of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) on the accession to the Rome Statute.
The CNDH delivered an oral statement on 21 September 2017 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It reiterated its recommendations on equality between women and men, including in inheritance. It also encouraged the Government to continue to strengthen its efforts to protect vulnerable groups from violence and discrimination.
Concerning the recommendations on conventional practice, legislative and institutional framework on equality, anti-discrimination, economic, social and cultural rights, civil liberties and the criminal legal arsenal, the CNDH expressed its readiness to continue its efforts to monitor and evaluate public policies, as well as reporting, in particular within the framework of the memorandum of understanding concluded with the Parliament in 2014, on the basis of the national Constitution and the international human rights instruments ratified by Morocco.
Through its National Human Rights Training Institute launched in 2016, the CNDH is ready to cooperate to strengthen the capacity of State actors, public and private businesses and NGOs on human rights education.
On 21 September 2017, the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted the report of the Working group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Morocco. The States that participated in the interactive dialogue under the UPR issued 244 recommendations to Morocco of which 191 were accepted: 23 recommendations have been fully implemented and 168 are being implemented in the ongoing reforms, according to the Moroccan government.
Morocco also took note of 44 recommendations, of which 18 were partly refused and 26 were totally refused. In addition, the Kingdom has rejected 9 recommendations because they fall outside the mandate of the HRC. The government stated that the rejection of some recommendations is in accordance with the principles and the provisions of the Moroccan Constitution and the ratified international Conventions.
The CNDH welcomed the government’s position towards the 191 accepted recommendations and expressed its willingness to enhance cooperation with all stakeholders to implement those recommendations under its mandate.
Finally, the CNDH recalled that its draft law will be examined at the next session of the parliament which will begin next month. This law will enable the CNDH to broaden its prerogatives, particularly by exercising the mandate of the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM) under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).